
Digital Tutors - Introduction to 3D in Nuke - 쓰리디 기본

icoDigital Tutors - Introduction to 3D in Nuke - 쓰리디 기본
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
1. Introduction and Project Overview.flv 10.3 M FLV - -
1.jpg 61.7 K JPG - -
10. Final Tweaks and Multisample Motion Blur.flv 50 M FLV - -
2. Adding a 3D Object and Moving around the viewport.flv 19.7 M FLV - -
2.jpg 92.7 K JPG - -
3. Base components of a 3D System.flv 27.8 M FLV - -
4. Using 2D Images to color our 3D objects.flv 26.2 M FLV - -
5. Using a Scene node to bring together multiple objects.flv 39 M FLV - -
6. Using the ReadGeo node to bring in external models.flv 26.9 M FLV - -
7. Adding Shaders to control an objects material.flv 31.9 M FLV - -
8. Adding Lights into our scene .flv 43.9 M FLV - -
9. Using an Axis node to transform multiple nodes .flv 42.2 M FLV - -
project_filesIntroduction to 3D in Nuke.zip 4.4 M ZIP - -

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