
메디치(Medici) 시즌1 01화-08화.완결

ico메디치(Medici) 시즌1 01화-08화.완결/
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
Medici (2016) - S01E01 - Original Sin (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.7 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E01 - Original Sin (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 37.5 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E02 - The Dome and the Domicile (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.7 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E02 - The Dome and the Domicile (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 49.2 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E03 - Pestilence (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.5 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E03 - Pestilence (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 41.8 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E04 - Judgement Day (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.7 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E04 - Judgement Day (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 47.3 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E05 - Temptation (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.7 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E05 - Temptation (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 46.2 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E06 - Ascendancy (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.6 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E06 - Ascendancy (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 39.5 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E07 - Purgatory (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.7 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E07 - Purgatory (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 39.1 K SRT - -
Medici (2016) - S01E08 - Epiphany (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv 1.6 G MKV - 1920x1080
Medici (2016) - S01E08 - Epiphany (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).srt 44.3 K SRT - -

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메디치(Medici) 시즌1  01화-08화.완결

메디치(Medici) 시즌1  01화-08화.완결

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