
Digital Tutors - Creating an Abstract Forest Entity Using KRAKATOA in Maya and F

icoDigital Tutors - Creating an Abstract Forest Entity Using KRAKATOA in Maya and F
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
01. Introduction and project overview.mp4 10.2 M MP4 - -
02. Setting up Maya particles.mp4 98.2 M MP4 - -
03. Animating Maya particles.mp4 80 M MP4 - -
04. Overview of KRAKATOA in Maya.mp4 29.9 M MP4 - -
05. Setting up KRAKATOA to partition our particles.mp4 60.9 M MP4 - -
06. Loading our particles back into the scene.mp4 76.6 M MP4 - -
07. Setting up the cameras.mp4 89.5 M MP4 - -
08. Setting up lighting.mp4 42.1 M MP4 - -
09. Setting up the final render settings for Krakatoa.mp4 59.5 M MP4 - -
1.PNG 43.9 K PNG - -
10. Examining our renders and beginning to composite.mp4 81.6 M MP4 - -
11. Adding effects and color correction in our composite.mp4 50.8 M MP4 - -
12. Finishing and reviewing our composite.mp4 79.2 M MP4 - -
13. Compositing the wide shot.mp4 49.4 M MP4 - -
14. Reviewing all of our shots.mp4 18.3 M MP4 - -
2.PNG 284.2 K PNG - -
3.PNG 174.1 K PNG - -
Project_Files.rar 2.1 G RAR - -

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