
[강좌] Introduction to Motion Graphics 모션그래픽

ico[강좌] Introduction to Motion Graphics 모션그래픽
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
01-introduction.mp4 13.6 M MP4 - -
02-whatis.mp4 37.8 M MP4 - -
03-transitions.mp4 154.1 M MP4 - -
04-trailertitles.mp4 205.5 M MP4 - -
05-shapesmasks.mp4 123.9 M MP4 - -
06-enhancing.mp4 132.5 M MP4 - -
07-lowerthirds.mp4 121.5 M MP4 - -
08-audiosync.mp4 86 M MP4 - -
09-typography.mp4 173.8 M MP4 - -
1.PNG 202.2 K PNG - -
10-lensflares.mp4 177.5 M MP4 - -
11-lensflares2.mp4 131.2 M MP4 - -
12-3Dtext.mp4 137.7 M MP4 - -
13-epicscene1.mp4 196.8 M MP4 - -
14-epicscene2.mp4 231 M MP4 - -
15-plugins.mp4 126.4 M MP4 - -
16-conclusion.mp4 27.7 M MP4 - -
2.PNG 147.2 K PNG - -
Project Files.zip 187.1 K ZIP - -

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