
[모델링 소스] Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace - Bundle 1 Jan 2019

ico[모델링 소스] Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace - Bundle 1 Jan 2019
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Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace - Bundle 1 Jan 2019-iso.axx.up 1.3 G UP - -

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[모델링 소스] Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace - Bundle 1 Jan 2019



The staggered houses in the slums are built at will, and the community is naturally formed. The house is made of wood, cloth and iron, clothes, cloth, simple and casual. Use wood to make all kinds of artificial goods. Obvious plastic and metal products.

I like the warm contrast of yellow and bright

Realistic objects, rich maps and details of the model

Delicate surface details and real plant production

Technical Details

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes

Collision: Yes, automatic /Partial manual

LODs: Yes Engine function

Number of Textures: 50sets

Number of Meshes: 46

Number of materials and Instances: 157

Intended Platforms: Desktop, Console, VR

Platforms Tested: Windows PC



Pro Main Menu

This Main Menu is inspired by different Menus, i.e. Star Wars Battlefront II.

You will get a full modern designed main menu prepared for an extensive single player setting.

The menu gives you a level selection, simple save system, credits and a settings menu with

fully working graphic and audio settings.

Most elements get their color information from a Base Color which is customizable

in the HUD Class, together with many other parameters like opacity, font styles & sizes,

button names and more. Also the main menu has a Live-Background which you can customise with your Assets.

If you miss any tutorial in the Training Video-Playlist, please contact me: dominik.emanuel.geuer@gmail.com

Technical Details


All-In-One Widget for the Base Main Menu.
Customizable Parameters like Basecolor, Opacity &more which affects most elements.
Main menu, pause menu, level selection, new game, settings, credits

Save Systems:

Basic gameplay save system (location, map name &more)
Settings save system (general settings, audio settings, graphic settings)



Pro AI

ProAI is based on the AI character and a powerful Spawn Manager System. You place a AI character on the map and setup values in the AI setup. The AI setup contains everything you need to make different types of AI. These are only a few:

? Guard at place ? Guard around home location ? Guard and follow a path ? Pet with 6 Pet Actions

ProAI is also extremely customizable!

? setup 1 agro range for enemy detection around the AI.

? Hear and Sight perception for detection too (AIPerception).

? The AI can be configured to chase the enemy if attacked.

? There is a chase stop mechanic

? A low health trigger.

? short and long ranged weapon support

? There is a dynamic path system integrated into ProAI.

PROAI is 100% multiplayer written for dedicated / networked games and also for single player. On Rep Notify replicated variables are used to properly replicate state changes from server to clients.



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