
Digital Tutors - Animating an Acrobatic Fight Scene in Maya

icoDigital Tutors - Animating an Acrobatic Fight Scene in Maya
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
01. Introduction and project overview.mp4 11.8 M MP4 - -
02. Project workflow overview.mp4 17.9 M MP4 - -
03. Analyzing the video reference and storyboard.mp4 121.1 M MP4 - -
04. Setting up the project and blocking our fighters.mp4 114.4 M MP4 - -
05. Continuing to block our fighters poses.mp4 97.4 M MP4 - -
06. Blocking our capoeira fighter.mp4 87.9 M MP4 - -
07. Blocking our karate fighter.mp4 91.1 M MP4 - -
08. Starting the breakdown poses on our karate fighter.mp4 92.1 M MP4 - -
09. Continuing to pose the karate fighter breakdowns.mp4 100.4 M MP4 - -
1.PNG 38.4 K PNG - -
10. Posing the karate fighter for a jump move.mp4 88.7 M MP4 - -
11. Posing the karate fighter for a kick move.mp4 68.6 M MP4 - -
12. Refining the evasion move in animation.mp4 89.5 M MP4 - -
13. Finishing the breakdowns for our karate fighter.mp4 114.5 M MP4 - -
14. Starting the breakdown poses on our capoeira fighter.mp4 74.3 M MP4 - -
15. Continuing to pose the capoeira fighter breakdowns.mp4 81.3 M MP4 - -
16. Posing our capoeira fighter for an evasive jump.mp4 87.3 M MP4 - -
17 Breaking down our capoeira fighter for contact.mp4 81 M MP4 - -
18 Setting up the capoeira fighter flying kick.mp4 99 M MP4 - -
19 Finishing the breakdowns for our capoeira fighter.mp4 122.4 M MP4 - -
2.PNG 276.6 K PNG - -
20 Polishing our animation.mp4 89.1 M MP4 - -
21 Adjusting the timing of each fighter.mp4 85.7 M MP4 - -
22 Smoothing the curves.mp4 92.8 M MP4 - -
23 Completing the IK-FK switch on the karate fighter.mp4 101.7 M MP4 - -
24 Continue with the IK-FK switch on the capoeira fighter.mp4 83.4 M MP4 - -
25 Completing the IK-FK switch on the capoeira fighter.mp4 66.9 M MP4 - -
26 Finishing the project.mp4 154.1 M MP4 - -
27 Reviewing the revisions and adjustments.mp4 151 M MP4 - -
3.PNG 199.9 K PNG - -
Project_Files.rar 94.9 M RAR - -

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