

파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
1. Introduction and project overview.flv 8.4 M FLV - -
1.jpg 21 K JPG - -
10. Continue to refine our grayscale textured forest creature.flv 91 M FLV - -
11. Blocking in color.flv 87.4 M FLV - -
12. Continuing to apply color to our concept.flv 65.7 M FLV - -
13. Refining our forest creature concept with some final details.flv 84.4 M FLV - -
14. Setting our forest character into a scene.flv 47.9 M FLV - -
15. Adjusting the depth of field of our concept.flv 36.1 M FLV - -
2. Adding a base skin texture to our sketch.flv 86.3 M FLV - -
2.jpg 48.6 K JPG - -
3. Texturing the horns of our forest creature.flv 89.9 M FLV - -
3.jpg 41.9 K JPG - -
4. Adding patches of bark texture to our forest creature.flv 84.6 M FLV - -
4.jpg 21.5 K JPG - -
5. Painting moss textures onto our forest creature.flv 86.2 M FLV - -
6. Adding rock textures and forms to our forest creature concept.flv 91.6 M FLV - -
7. Texturing the eyes of our forest creature concept.flv 94.4 M FLV - -
8. Texturing the mouth interior of our forest creature.flv 58.5 M FLV - -
9. Refining our blocked in textures.flv 96.3 M FLV - -
project_files.zip 578.9 M ZIP - -

파일캐스트는 언제어디서나 모바일로 실시간 감상이 가능합니다.

톡톡튀는 댓글평을 남겨주시면 판매자가 무료다운로드 쿠폰을 선물로 드립니다.

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