
[ZBrush] Game Character Creation in 3ds Max and ZBrush

ico[ZBrush] Game Character Creation in 3ds Max and ZBrush
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
01_Introduction_and_project_overview.flv 6.6 M FLV - -
02_Defining_the_main_shape_with_DynaMesh.flv 154.3 M FLV - -
03_Continuing_to_shape_our_character.flv 65 M FLV - -
04_Building_our_character's_legs.flv 104.9 M FLV - -
05_Starting_to_make_the_clothes_in_3ds_Max.flv 153.9 M FLV - -
06_Exporting_our_character_from_3ds_Max_to_ZBrush_.flv 32.6 M FLV - -
07_Making_new_elements_for_our_model.flv 106.4 M FLV - -
08_Continuing_to_refine_the_base_elements.flv 55.5 M FLV - -
09_Using_Transpose_Master_to_rotate_the_arm.flv 105.3 M FLV - -
1.jpg 73.2 K JPG - -
10_Separating_the_armor_from_the_arm.flv 40.2 M FLV - -
11_Making_the_refined_high_poly_armor.flv 62.9 M FLV - -
12_Continuing_to_make_a_high_poly_version_of_the_armor.flv 42.6 M FLV - -
13_Adding_detail_to_the_armor.flv 58.7 M FLV - -
14_Building_in_more_armor_detail_in_3ds_Max.flv 20.8 M FLV - -
15_Starting_to_detail_the_head_in_ZBrush.flv 52 M FLV - -
16_Continuing_to_refine_the_head.flv 20.2 M FLV - -
17_Adding_more_detail_to_the_head.flv 14.2 M FLV - -
18_Rotating_the_head_and_sketching_the_hair.flv 52.4 M FLV - -
19_Sending_the_bracelet_mesh_to_3ds_Max.flv 40.9 M FLV - -
2.jpg 66.2 K JPG - -
20_Starting_to_retopologize_the_arm_plate.flv 66.7 M FLV - -
21_Beginning_to_tweak_the_arm_plate_shape.flv 55.5 M FLV - -
22_Continuing_to_refine_the_shape_of_our_character's_arm_plate.flv 44.8 M FLV - -
23_Starting_to_tweak_the_clothes.flv 63.6 M FLV - -
24_Adding_some_other_cloth_elements.flv 94.8 M FLV - -
25_Creating_a_rope_in_3ds_Max.flv 88.7 M FLV - -
26_Modeling_a_belt_strap_for_our_character.flv 29.3 M FLV - -
27_Refining_the_belt_buckle.flv 57.2 M FLV - -
28_Continuing_to_refine_the_belt_buckle.flv 50 M FLV - -
29_Adding_details_to_the_clothes.flv 62.3 M FLV - -
30_Building_in_some_details_to_the_metal_armor.flv 109.6 M FLV - -
31_Continuing_to_add_details_to_the_metal_armor.flv 35.4 M FLV - -
32_Defining_the_arm_shape.flv 175.3 M FLV - -
33_Adding_a_piece_of_armor_on_the_arms.flv 64.1 M FLV - -
34_Redefining_the_armor_in_ZBrush.flv 28.2 M FLV - -
35_Continuing_to_tweak_the_shape_of_the_armor.flv 70.1 M FLV - -
36_Adding_some_details_to_our_high_polygon_model_in_ZBrush.flv 11.9 M FLV - -
37_Adding_scratches_and_imperfections_to_the_armor.flv 118.2 M FLV - -
38_Creating_imperfections_on_our_character's_face.flv 45.1 M FLV - -
39_Sending_the_high_poly_mesh_to_3ds_Max.flv 117.9 M FLV - -
40_Working_on_our_final_low_polygon_mesh.flv 105.3 M FLV - -
41_Modeling_the_final_arm_mesh.flv 29.9 M FLV - -
42_Starting_to_model_the_low_polygon_clothes.flv 71.6 M FLV - -
43_Finishing_our_character's_clothes.flv 24.3 M FLV - -
44_Creating_UV_maps_for_the_torso.flv 61.7 M FLV - -
45_Continuing_to_unwrap_the_UVs_for_our_character.flv 41.7 M FLV - -
46_Rearranging_the_UVs_in_3ds_Max.flv 16 M FLV - -
47_Unwrapping_the_UVs_for_the_head.flv 31.5 M FLV - -
48_Baking_the_normal_and_occlusion_maps.flv 24.7 M FLV - -
49_Applying_the_normal_and_occlusion_maps_to_the_head.flv 34 M FLV - -
50_Combining_our_maps_in_Photoshop.flv 18.8 M FLV - -
51_Projecting_our_masks_in_3ds_Max.flv 19.8 M FLV - -
52_Starting_to_make_the_base_textures_in_Photoshop.flv 32.3 M FLV - -
53_Creating_the_base_colors_for_our_character's_head.flv 27 M FLV - -
54_Painting_base_colors_for_our_character's_clothes.flv 28.8 M FLV - -
55_Continuing_to_paint_base_colors_for_our_character's_clothes.flv 12 M FLV - -
56_Projecting_our_textures_on_the_final_model_in_Mudbox.flv 63.3 M FLV - -
57_Using_Mudbox_and_Photoshop_to_tweak_the_head_texture.flv 59.7 M FLV - -
58_Refining_our_character's_hair_texture.flv 45.8 M FLV - -
59_Detailing_the_armor_textures_in_Photoshop.flv 48.9 M FLV - -
60_Adding_some_refinement_to_the_cloth_textures.flv 70.7 M FLV - -
61_Continuing_to_refine_the_cloth_textures.flv 42.1 M FLV - -
62_Starting_to_add_hair_and_fur_to_our_low_polygon_character.flv 55.6 M FLV - -
63_Finishing_the_fur_for_our_character.flv 40.3 M FLV - -
64_Finalizing_our_character's_hair.flv 32.6 M FLV - -
65_Making_specular_and_gloss_maps.flv 27.5 M FLV - -
66_Finishing_our_specular_and_gloss_maps.flv 15.5 M FLV - -
67_Creating_specular_and_gloss_maps_for_the_head.flv 44.4 M FLV - -
68_Reviewing_our_final_render.flv 27.5 M FLV - -
project_files.zip 23 M ZIP - -

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