
[ZBrush] Digital Tutors Professional Series Painting and Rendering in ZBrush

ico[ZBrush] Digital Tutors Professional Series Painting and Rendering in ZBrush
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
01. Introduction and project overview.flv 8.7 M FLV - -
02. Painting the body.flv 64.6 M FLV - -
03. Transferring painted detail.flv 71.7 M FLV - -
04. Adding short fur to the creature.flv 48.2 M FLV - -
05. Creating small feathers on the creature.flv 63 M FLV - -
06. Polypainting the feathers.flv 47.7 M FLV - -
07. Adding small feathers to the wings.flv 31.1 M FLV - -
08. Building the whiskers and beard.flv 61.9 M FLV - -
09. Lighting the model with LightCap.flv 28.1 M FLV - -
10. Modifying a rendered image with BPR filters.flv 38.2 M FLV - -
banner_xl.jpg 49.8 K JPG - -
project_files.zip 565.9 M ZIP - -

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