
GNOMON FUNDAMENTALS OF PERPECTIVE - DVD 3 - Three-Point Principles and Concepts

icoGNOMON FUNDAMENTALS OF PERPECTIVE - DVD 3 - Three-Point Principles and Concepts
파일 정보
파일명 용량 확장자 재생시간 해상도
1.Fundamentals of Three Point Perspective.mov 251.7 M MOV - -
1.jpg 16 K JPG - -
10.Casting Artificial Light Shadows on other Objects.mov 123.2 M MOV - -
11.Methods for Plotting Reflections in One-Point Perspective.mov 163.2 M MOV - -
12.Methods for Plotting Reflections in Two-Point Perspective.mov 119.8 M MOV - -
13.Transferring Scale to Plot Reflections - Part 1.mov 135.6 M MOV - -
14.Transferring Scale to Plot Reflections - Part 2.mov 98.6 M MOV - -
15.Transferring Scale to Plot Reflections - Part 3.mov 246.8 M MOV - -
2.jpg 57.5 K JPG - -
2.Three-Point Perspective Terms and Concepts - Part 1.mov 443.8 M MOV - -
3.jpg 55.1 K JPG - -
3.Three-Point Perspective Terms and Concepts - Part 2.mov 204.7 M MOV - -
4.jpg 64.5 K JPG - -
4.Three-Point Perspective Terms and Concepts - Part 3.mov 421.1 M MOV - -
5.Plotting Natural Light Shadows in Perspective.mov 617.1 M MOV - -
6.Plotting Cast Shadows on other Objects.mov 386.8 M MOV - -
7.Plotting Shadows of a Cylinder in Perspective.mov 337.6 M MOV - -
8.Plotting Shadows of a Floating Box.mov 216.6 M MOV - -
9.Plotting Artificial Light Shadows.mov 771.4 M MOV - -

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