[모델링 소스]Vitaly Bulgarov - MINIMALIST Sci-Fi Environment Set Sci-Fi Furniture Set 다시보기 토렌트
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Vitaly Bulgarov - MINIMALIST Sci-Fi Environment Set & Sci-Fi Furniture Set-iso.axx.up 841.3 M - -
  • 번호 8733682
  • 분류 유틸 > 이미지/그래픽
  • 판매자 업앤다운0 쪽지보내기
  • 총용량 841.3 M
  • 가격 80 P 제휴

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[모델링 소스]Vitaly Bulgarov - MINIMALIST Sci-Fi Environment Set & Sci-Fi Furniture Set

Designed with its emphasis on clean futuristic aesthetics, this set contains 25 unique sci-fi furniture pieces.

The set includes: Chairs, Couches, Tables.

DISCLAIMER: Walls, Floors and Pillars are NOT included and are sold separately as part of Minimalist Sci-Fi Environment Set. Please note also, that the preview images show these models rendered in Octane Render Standalone as tests only and the delivery files DO NOT include Octane Scenes or Octane Materials.

This product is delivered via digital download in a ZIP file that contains 3D Geometry in 2 Scenes in OBJ and FBX format.

Click thumbnails on the left to see more images.

Format : OBJ | FBX | TEX




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